As a dietitian specializing in gastrointestinal issues and disordered eating, I understand the complexities of symptoms related to both and the impact it can have on an individual's relationship with food. And through nutrition counseling, I provide a safe and non-judgmental space for individuals to address their concerns, manage their symptoms, and develop a better relationship with food.


let's work together to personalize your diet

Nutrition information can be confusing! One source says not to eat carbohydrates and another says that carbohydrates are the best source of energy. That's where I come in. As a licensed Registered Dietitian (RD), I have the tools to help you make sense of this information. Together, we can personalize your diet to fit your needs. My speciality is in eating disorder (ED) treatment and functional gastrointestinal disorders, so if you're recovering or wanting to recover from an ED or are dealing with bloating, diarrhea, constipation, celiac disease, SIBO, or other GI issues, I'm the dietitian for you.

My services

My services

Learn more about my nutrition counseling services

I provide evidence-based nutrition information to my clients. This means I only utilize treatment approaches that have been proven effective through scientific research. 

Learn More

1-1 Nutrition Counseling

FREE 15-min
Discovery Call



I offer a free 15-minute phone consultation to make sure we're a good match to work together. This phone call gives us the chance to see if my counseling services align with your goals and what you hope to get out of nutrition counseling. I’ll be straightforward with you if I don’t think we’ll be a good match and offer referrals for mental health providers that may be a better fit for you. 


If we both agree we are a good fit to work together, we will schedule a 60-minute initial consultation. This session starts with a thorough assessment of past medical history, symptoms, and diet history. We will also go over any health concerns or goals you might have. 


I will recommend follow up sessions based off what your particular needs are. There is no requirement to book a follow-up but I do recommend at least one 2 weeks after the initial consultation. 

Between appointments, email support is also offered for any small concerns. 

Lydia has helped people from all walks of life transform their relationship with food.

"Lydia has a great ability to break things down simply, making nutrition and overall wellness accessible and practical no matter what your circumstances are."

"My experience working with Lydia was incredibly refreshing amidst the information overload in the wellness space these days. Working with her is like speaking with an exceptionally informed and approachable friend. In our few sessions together, she helped me unravel some unproductive thoughts I have held about nutrition, and also helped me develop some attainable and healthy daily habits. All of this was without judgement and without recommending any extreme, expensive, or impractical suggestions. Lydia has a great ability to break things down simply, making nutrition and overall wellness accessible and practical no matter what your circumstances are."

Camille S., New York

"you're the first educator to make me feel at ease about being aware of what I'm eating and being interested in nutrition, but to profoundly relax around it."

“I’ve had a long history of disordered eating having come up in private school LA culture, despite having good intentions throughout simply to have ultimate health and wellness, and you're the first educator to make me feel at ease about being aware of what I'm eating and being interested in nutrition, but to profoundly relax around it. When you said you realized that all food is really the same, made up of the same components, that was a huge perspective shift for me. Anyways, thank you for your perspective.” 

Anonymous, Los Angeles

"Lydia makes the intimidating science of digestion accessible."

"Lydia makes the intimidating science of digestion accessible. She is incredibly responsive and fully understands the demands and joys of living in NYC and does an amazing job making nutrition work for busy professional and social lives."

Willow S., New York 

"After each session, I have walked away feeling empowered with the knowledge she has given me." 

"Lydia helped me to discover an approach to nutrition that wasn’t restrictive and how eating more foods actually improved my symptoms and issues. She is informed, stays curious about her industry, and explains the science behind her recommendations in a way that her clients can understand. After each session, I have walked away feeling empowered with the knowledge she has given me." 

Ashley D., Chicago

"A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step"

- Lao Tzu

Hi, I am Lydia

Licensed Registered Dietitian Nutritionist in NYC Specializing in Evidence - Based Nutrition. 

Lydia is a Registered Dietitian Nutritionist (RDN) and a member of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics (AND). She resides in New York City but helps nutrition patients throughout the country. She holds an MS in Nutrition Education from Columbia University and has successfully completed MONASH University’s training course on The Low FODMAP Diet for Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS).
With a specialization in gastrointestinal (GI) conditions, Lydia provides comprehensive treatment for IBS, functional constipation and diarrhea, bloating, Celiac Disease, GERD, and other functional and structural (IBD) GI disorders. She also supports clients with eating disorders in effectively managing their GI symptoms while on their recovery journey.

more about lydia